The mothers of East Flatbush can’t believe that a woman killed her own baby
News of murder-suicide in their neighborhood stuns Rosette Samuel's neighbors

A body is removed from the scene of the devastation.
The mothers couldn't believe a mother did this.
"Oh dear mother of God," said Marie Jean, as she hurried toward her home four houses away from 805 E. 56th St., where police say on Monday morning an off-duty NYPD PO Rosette Samuel, 43, killed her boyfriend, her 1-year-old son and herself with her NYPD service weapon.
""When I left this morning I saw ambulances," Marie says. "I thought some sick lady was being taken to the hospital. No one told me a mother killed her boyfriend and her own baby. Dear mother of God, as a mother, it gives me a pain right here."
She clutched her belly in a way only a mother will ever understand.
Then she showed ID to a uniformed cop stationed at the top of E. 56th St., before ducking under the yellow crime tape and walking down toward the thicket of police white shirts, detectives and forensics crews.
Almost every mother I spoke with on Monday inside and outside A&A Laudromat on this usually quiet corner of East Flatbush had the same reflex womb-cradling reaction to the horrific news .
"There's no love left in the world when a mother can put a barrel of a gun to her own baby and pull the trigger," said Sheryl Potter, clutching her belly with two hands.
"A fight with your man, I understand,” said Potter. Even killing him as crazy as that is — dump him, divorce him — at least you can make some kinda sense from it. But a mother killing her own baby? It's goes against human nature. "

Police investigators gather in front of a Brooklyn home where police say, a NYPD office killed her boyfriend, turned the gun on her 1-year-old son and then shot herself.
Monica Davis, 28, said she was awakened by police helicopters chugging above her street.
"This is a quiet neighborhood. Kids can play in the street. A woman can walk alone at night. Now I learn what? That a mom killed her own baby right here? Oh my God, that is just not normal human behavior. A mother brings a baby into the world and spends her life protecting her children from harm. You are supposed to die for your baby. So how do you kill your own baby? How?"
Four months after Newtown where 20 children were slaughtered like lambs in their classrooms, we have mothers of those kids pleading with Congress for gun control so that no more babies will be killed.
And then on Monday morning on this quiet Brooklyn street of private homes, where the first verdant buds popped in the awakening trees, where squirrels played tag on overhead wires, where sparrows chirped in trimmed rose bushes, where wash hangs on backyard lines in the 60- degree breezes of April, a new mother with a handgun kills her man, her baby and herself in a macabre death dance to spring. Monica Davis flattened her open palm against her belly and asked, "How? Why?"
Cynthia, a thin mom with a 2-year old boy in a stroller, shivered on the same corner.
"This scene right here has me shaking," Cynthia says. "I just had a domestic violence situation myself two weeks ago. My son's father and I were always arguing. He slammed my head against the wall and there was a nail protruding and I wound up with two staples in my head. He was arrested. He begged me to drop charges. I did, but I made him move out. Because now I know how fast that can go from words to violence. Maybe to murder time."
She pulled her stroller closer. "After my baby's father hit me in front of my son, my little boy was screaming, upset," she says, touching her womb. "And all I wanted to do was get his father out the door before he hurt my son, too. Protecting my boy, that's all I worried about as a mother. So I just can't understand this mom killing her baby. It goes against everything that you are."
She pulled the stroller closer, and then like all the other mothers I spoke to on the corner, put her hand over her womb.
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